
Expo East, Natural Food Show, New Products, Lassens, Lassen's, Lassen's Natural Foods and Vitamins, Lassen's Health Food Store,

Finding New Products at Expo East!

We’re on the Hunt for Great New Products! September has brought us to Baltimore for the Natural Products Expo East Trade Show. We love attending seminars and meeting producers — it’s exciting to see the creativity and great new products!  Here are some of the fun and delicious things we’ve see at this show! I […]

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Deodorant Detox!

Deodorant Detox! Written by Denae Have you wanted to take the plunge from conventional deodorants but every time you try you just stink yourself out? EO Products, a wonderful organic & natural company, has dedicated their 2017 to helping everyone willing to take the challenge! Not only have they provided enlightening information like, “…there can

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Let's Give the Earth… and our families… some help

What Can I Do? When I was in elementary school, we lived in the middle of a valley with, I am sure, millions of fruit trees in Washington.  Every Spring day, the farmers watched the weather reports and the frost warnings and the dew point forecasts for any hint of dipping temperatures.  Once the fruit

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Focus on Local–Highwood Eggs

Don’t they look like Easter?     Lassen’s is so excited to feature a new local producer–we have just started carrying Highwood Farm’s beautiful blue and brown eggs in our Ventura and Thousand Oaks locations! Last week we went to Somis to meet Devon and Patrick and tour their farm.  Despite my trepidation about being

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It's Almost Spring! Time to Get Your Hands in the Dirt!

Nothing Like Getting Dirty!      I love going into garden centers and seeing all of the little plants; It takes me back to when my mom and dad (with a lot of forced kid labor!) would plant a great big garden each spring.   And checking out all of the neatly lined-up packets of

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The Detoxifying, Deodorizing Miraculous Molecule that is Chlorophyll!

Goodness Greeness!   In 9th grade science we all learned about chlorophyll, the molecule found in plants and algae that gives them their green pigment and plays a key role in photosynthesis, the process which allows plants to absorb energy from sunlight. My knowledge of chlorophyll plateaued in high school and remained that way for years

The Detoxifying, Deodorizing Miraculous Molecule that is Chlorophyll! Read More »

Focus on Local… Lori's Original Lemonade and New Oak Ranch Lavender

Yes, there is a Lori!     This is Lori, owner of Lori’s Original Lemonade.   It started with a lemon tree in the front yard  and three kids who wanted to make some money. So Lori made some lemonade and the kids set up a stand outside their home in Ojai to sell that

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Another company "does the right thing"

Just a TOUCH of sarcasm, here… Remember when I told you about Electro-Mix?  One of my objections to most popular sports drinks is that they contain many artificial coloring, flavorings, and chemicals. Well, now I have good reason to have been wary of those chemicals.  A recent LA Times story reveals that one popular brand (in fact,

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