Green? Feeling Good!

Big News in our Ventura Store!

Written by Gayle

Lassen’s Ventura is proud to announce a new juice program!  Every day Ray, Thomas, and Ezra select fruits and vegetables to make a tasty and unique blend of raw juices!  
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They have designed their juices around the detoxifying, immune boosting, refreshing taste of Burdock Root, Lemon, and Ginger.  The daily juices may have one, two, or all three of these amazing gifts from nature!
Burdock Root looks like a brownish-cream carrot, and tastes sort of like a parsnip.  They can be roasted like any other root vegetable, or added to soups and stews.  Even grated in a salad is great!  But they also have been cultivated for many years for curative purposes.  They are high in potassium and low in sodium, as well as low-calorie. Many folk remedies include Burdock Root as a blood-purifier, and it contains diuretic properties as well.  
Lemon is one of those ingredients that have multiple healthy benefits. They have been called one of the world’s healthiest foods! They contain a high percentage of citric acid, which aids digestion, and they are a great source of vitamin C and other anti-oxidants.  They also have a large range of other vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, the B-complex vitamins, iron, copper, potassium, and calcium.  
Ginger–another multi-tasker! Digestive aid, flatulence reducer, sinus-clearer, anti-inflammatory, nausea killer, flavor awakener!  There’s nothing like some ginger to perk up all kinds of foods and juices!  
daily+greens, feel+good+greens, daily+juices, burdock+root, detox+juicing
Then our guys select other delicious and nutritious greens and fruits to concoct an amazing “Feel Good” Green drink for you!  Dandelion greens, kale, spinach, celery, collard greens, limes, apples, and more–the options are almost endless in their quest to make something delicious and healthy for you!
So come into the Ventura store and try our Daily Feel Good Greens for a healthy boost!  

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